Historic Qilou Streets 骑楼老街
Take a walk into Hainan’s past at the Haikou Historic Qilou Streets, where you will see the overhanging second story of the “qilou” or arcade style buildings. This architectural style shows a strong South Sea influence, and some of the buildings here are 700+ years old. Drink an old fashioned salt lemonade in the shady back gardens of Zhongshan Rd’s many cafes, shop for Hainan souvenirs, and see both restored and untouched qilou buildings, where life goes on much as it has for the last several hundred years.
Deshengsha Rd., Zhongshan Rd., Bo’ai Rd., Xinhua Rd., Jiefang Rd., Changdi Rd., Haikou 海口得胜沙路、中山路、博爱路、新华路、解放路、长堤路等老街区
Wugong Temple 五公祠
Originally built during the Ming Dynasty, the Wugong Temple complex honors five important historic officials who lived in Hainan. The temple is a quiet retreat from the city, a good place to spend a few hours enjoying the beauty of the temple architecture and the ancient wells and carved stones within. The small Haikou City Museum is also found within the Wugong Temple walls.
Wugong Temple, Haifu Rd., Haikou City 海口市海府路五公祠
Xiuying Fort 秀英炮台
Haikou’s Xiuying Fort was originally built in 1891 to resist a threatened invasion by the French. The five large cannons and associated buildings will be of interest to any military history buff, especially as this is the largest historical military installation in Hainan. Many of the buildings and walls are now almost completely engulfed in spreading banyan tree roots. The Xiuying Fort was designated as an important Heritage Site under State Protection in 2006.
South Shimao Rd., Longhua Dirstrict, Haikou City 海南省海口市龙华区世贸南路